A Summer of Gallery Shows....
I just wanted to give you an update on my Fine Art work, with exhibits up in Los Angeles and New York, this could be the only time I can describe myself as bicoastal ;-)
Soho Photo Gallery accepted "Classic Beauty" into their National show juried by Forrest Old.
The show opened July 5th..
Perfect Exposures Gallery in Los Angeles accepted two pieces from my new painters series into their inaugural fine art show Perfect Exposures 2012
The show opened on July 26th
"Dune" "Rousillion"
The Vanderbilt Republic included two "Naked Animals" in their "Art For The Heart" pop up show in Brooklyn, New York.
The show was on July 28th
Saturday, August 11th saw the opening of "Best In Show II Art Gone To The Dogs" at the Liberty Art Gallery in Long Beach.
"Morning Constitutional" made an appearance
I was so happy to be a part of this, they raised over a grand for "Animals Rule Rescue".

I will be showing two naked ladies and .......................a gorilla!.....Why not?! ;-)
It's Personal: 13 Photographic Visions is a show that features very diverse work from myself and 12 extremely talented local photographers. Each project has been created or completed throughout this year, it is all fresh pieces from new series of work. And I'm not just saying this cos.....This is a BEAUTIFUL show....
So get your bottoms over to the Julia Dean Gallery, 755 Seward St, Los Angeles, 90038 next Friday...Drink a little wine, nibble a little cheese......And make me very happy xoxo
RSVP here:http://www.facebook.com/events/475605289125397/

Finally my last show for a while is coming up next week. The Opening Reception is Friday September 28th from 7 till 10pm

I will be showing two naked ladies and .......................a gorilla!.....Why not?! ;-)
It's Personal: 13 Photographic Visions is a show that features very diverse work from myself and 12 extremely talented local photographers. Each project has been created or completed throughout this year, it is all fresh pieces from new series of work. And I'm not just saying this cos.....This is a BEAUTIFUL show....
So get your bottoms over to the Julia Dean Gallery, 755 Seward St, Los Angeles, 90038 next Friday...Drink a little wine, nibble a little cheese......And make me very happy xoxo
RSVP here:http://www.facebook.com/events/475605289125397/
It's been a very busy Summer,
And it doesn't end with shows here's some more exciting news
- This month debuts Diffusions IV, A yearly Photography magazin. It is on the shelves as we speak, to order directly go tohttp://shop.diffusionmag.com/
- I received two honorable mentions in the International Photography Awards (IPAs), one in the Professional Nudes category and in the Wildlife category
- Speakeasy Beauty has recently won A Julia Cameron Award in the Nudes Category, she will be off to Paris in 2013 to be part of the Womens Photography Biennial
I'm so excited honored to be a part of these projects.......
OK, I'll stop bragging now, Have a wonderful day x0x